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Platypus Finance

Contract: 0x22d4002028f537599be9f666d1c4fa138522f9c8

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Platypus Finance on Telegram: "❗️We NEVER DM you first❗️
❗️We NEVER ask for funds❗️

Trading Discussion:
Announcement Chanel:

Twitter: Platypusdefi
Discord: B6ThAvev2A
Medium: platypus-finance"

GalacticSpaceBucks - GSB aims to be the new space currency on BSC. GSB implements a 12% total tax with a revolutionary 6% redistribution to both holders and liquidity. Join our Telegram or buy at Pancakeswap

Promoted Tokens

Click here to see what you have to do to get your token in the promoted list.

Token Votes Total
GalacticSpaceBucks GSB LogoGalacticSpaceBucks (GSB)9,359

Today's TokenFight

Vote for your favorite token below. The token with the highest number of votes today will win today's fight and will be added to our TokenFights List of Epic Winners!

Token Votes Today
colR Coin $COLR Logo colR Coin ($COLR) 1
Greenhouse GREEN Logo Greenhouse (GREEN) 0
Banana Index BANDEX Logo Banana Index (BANDEX) 0
World Football WOFO Logo World Football (WOFO) 0

TokenFights List of Epic Winners

Below are the winners of the last epic TokenFights. Click here for the full list.

Token Votes Total
colR Coin $COLR Logo colR Coin ($COLR) - 19/09 winner1
colR Coin $COLR Logo colR Coin ($COLR) - 18/09 winner1
colR Coin $COLR Logo colR Coin ($COLR) - 17/09 winner1
colR Coin $COLR Logo colR Coin ($COLR) - 16/09 winner1
Greenhouse GREEN Logo Greenhouse (GREEN) - 15/09 winner24
Greenhouse GREEN Logo Greenhouse (GREEN) - 14/09 winner24
Greenhouse GREEN Logo Greenhouse (GREEN) - 13/09 winner24